Here’s a great deal on Coke that starts tomorrow (3/23). Make sure you print the coupons now if you’re interested in doing the deal.
Coca-Cola (12 pk) on sale 3/$10
Spend $20 on Coke and other selected products, Get 3,000 Points
****Deal Scenario****
Buy 4 Coca-Cola products = $13.32
Buy 1 box of Triscuits = $2
Use (2) $2/2 Coke coupons — direct link (zip 33952)
Use $1/1 Triscuit coupon
Pay $10.32, Get 3000 Points
$1.32 each after coupons & points
You can typically print two coupons per computer. If you can’t find the coupon under your zip, go here and change your zip code, then come back and click this link and you it should be automatically clipped for you. Note the Coke coupon has a Publix logo on it, but it is a manufacturer’s coupon, so it can be redeemed at any store.
Find more Walgreens deals here. Get the exhaustive list of Walgreens coupon match-ups with a printable list feature here.
Thanks, Wild for Wags!
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Now that I’ve seen the actual ad, the points bonus is on a $15 purchase, not $20. The Coke products are 3 for $11, not $10. You can buy 3 Coke 12-packs and two crackers for $4 (among other scenarios), pay $15 + Oregon deposits and get the 3K reward points, for an average of $2.40 per item. Also, the crackers are $2.29 if you buy just one.
Thanks for posting…our son’s 2nd birthday is coming up in a few weeks and this will help cut down on the food and beverage budget.
As Archie Bunker once said, “Something is rotten in the state of Denver.” If you buy $15.32 worth of products, and the offer specifies $20 purchase, how do you get the 3000 points? Even if you did, the 5 products would average a little more than $1.32 each ($7.32 divided by 5 is about $1.46). I’m pretty sure can deposits won’t count toward the $20 benchmark.
it worked at rite aid today… figured it was worth a try…
Is this deal working at Rite Aid or is this a mistake? Thanks.
Printed coupon says “Redeem at Publix” (because of the zip code).
I agree I don’t think Walgreens will take these