Homemade Granola Bars "My kids will never throw tantrums in public." "My daughter will always wear matching outfits." "My child will never eat processed junk food or suck down juice." You know all those lofty claims we make before having kids? Like a good friend of ours says, "I was the perfect parent until I had kids." Too true. I am the mom who rips into the box of fruit snacks in the middle of Target, who lets my daughter mix polka dots with plaids, who allows my son to pee under the car in parking lot emergencies. I'm so sorry. And don't even get me started on those boxes of granola bars that are so easy to grab. Nutritious? No. Fast? Keep Reading
Overnight Oats (Breakfast in a Jar!)
Overnight Oats in a Jar Even though I'm technically a stay-at-home mom, I find myself hustling my crew out the door 4-5 mornings a week. Breakfasts often consist of granola bars flung to the backseat while I balance a bowl of granola on my lap in the front. Not exactly the breakfast of champions. Enter one of my favorite new uses for the humble Chia seed: Overnight Oats in a Jar. I honestly woke up in the middle of the night thinking about this oatmeal. Beautiful breakfast jars sitting in my refrigerator, just waiting for me to grab as I head out the door! It was hard to get back to sleep. Obsessing about food is nothing new for me, but I Keep Reading