FabFitFun Winter Editor’s Box + 40% OFF Promo Code!
FabFitFun is having a great sale on their Winter Editor’s Box — 40% off!
Use the code MAJOR to get your first box for just $29.99!
If you’ve spent any time on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve certainly run into one (or a LOT) of bloggers, “influencers,” and celebrities talking about FabFitFun. I swear I haven’t seen so many incredibly rich and beautiful people soooo excited to show you a box of stuff as I do when a new season’s FabFitFun box launches.
After I saw the 32nd Facebook ad for FabFitFun, I realized that there must be money to be made promoting these things, so (obviously) I got a box myself to see if it would be worth promoting to all of you. Because you know I enjoy investigating stuff + sharing good deals + making money.
Here’s how FabFitFun works:
You typically get a discount when you order your first box (use the promo code MAJOR at checkout to get 40% off your first box through this link). When you sign up, you join their subscription program which means you’ll get a box next season and pay full price for those boxes (they launch four boxes a year). You can cancel anytime — there’s no obligation to continue after your first discounted box.
Each box is $49.99 with FREE shipping, so when you use the code MAJOR at checkout your first box will be $29.99 shipped.
When you go in to order your first box, you get to make some choices, so your box may be slightly different than your friend’s box or someone you see on social media. So you end up with a partially customized box with items you’ll actually enjoy. This is a pretty cool feature of FabFitFun.
Now, there’s no way every item in your box will be a personal home run, but everything I don’t need or want can be gifted. This is a great way to get some inexpensive gifts for upcoming birthdays or Christmas.
Here’s what I received in my Fall 2019 FabFitFun box to give you an idea of what to expect:
IMPORTANT: This is the Fall 2019 box. You will receive the Winter Editor’s box which will contain completely different items. I’m outlining what I got in the Fall 2019 box to give you an idea of the quality, size, and selection of items you can expect.
I received eight items in my box, including five full-sized beauty/personal care items, a hair towel wrap, a hair straightener, and a wood and ceramic cheese board. All of the beauty items are FULL SIZED, not samples or travel sizes.
I’ve received four boxes so far and I think the quality and selection of items are pretty consistent. FabFitFun says each box is worth over $200 and I think that’s a fairly legitimate claim if you’re looking at the full-price of each item.
Now obviously, FabFitFun is getting these products at a ridiculously discounted price from brands who need to move inventory OR from brands who want to promote their product to a giant audience, but I feel confident that you’re getting a good deal for the price you pay.
Is a FabFitFun box worth it?
If this is your first box and you use the promo code MAJOR at checkout to get your box for $29.99, then yes, it’s worth it. You pay $30 and get a whole bunch of fun stuff, including a few items that retail for well over $50.
Is it worth the full price ($49.99)?
That depends. If you get your first box and end up enjoying or gifting at least half of the items, then I think it’s worth $49.99.
If you get your first box for $29.99 and only like a couple of the items and end up giving everything else away, then it’s not worth it. The great part is that you can cancel your subscription without penalty after you get your first box.
Will FabFitFun appeal to everyone?
Probably not every woman on earth, but I would say there’s enough of a selection that most women would enjoy a handful of the items and then feel good about giving the other items away as gifts.
For instance, I don’t use many beauty items (lotions, masks, sprays, creams, etc.) but I really do like FabFitFun’s clothing, accessories, and home decor stuff. They are typically items that I wouldn’t buy on my own but I love using them or giving them away as a thoughtful gift.
And while I don’t use a bunch of body stuff, I’ve been able to try at least one product that I end up loving in each box. This season it was the Aveda Damage Remedy (retails for $31 in the Aveda salon) and the eye mask things that go under your eyes.
You know who would love a FabFitFun box? Almost any young woman you know.
These boxes are incredibly exciting for teen and college-aged girls. If you know a girl away at school or someone with a birthday coming up or graduation this spring for young women in your life, you absolutely cannot go wrong with a box, especially one priced at under $30.
Ready to get your first box? Here’s how to do the deal:
Go to FabFitFun through this link.
Click the red “Get the Box” button.
Fill in your info and type “MAJOR” in the Promo Code box. That will get you 40% off your first box. It will look like this on desktop:
After you’ve entered all your info in and clicked the “Order the Box” button, you’ll be able to customize some the items in your box.
Head to FabFitFun and use the code MAJOR to get your first box for $29.99 with FREE shipping!
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I’ve had fit fab fun since June 2019 it was excellent! Got alot of high-end items several times. Now it seem you only get one really great item an the rest of the choices are not as good as they once was and the have started to do alot of repeat item choices. I just canceled my subscription because everything offered for sprin 2022 is almost all repeats. I loved the first year but lately its went to crap alot of items you can pick up at dollar tree like a purple plastic catus drinking bottle for kids. Don’t recomend
I received a gift of a box from Fabfitfun at Christmas. It didn’t say anywhere either in the box or on the box who it was from & although I’ve left three messages with my telephone number at Chino Shipping I’ve not had the courtesy of a reply. There was a reference number on the package #103272989. Can you let me know who sent this package to me as I should like to thank them for it. My name is Sybil Andrade
Thank you
I was wanting to buy an annual subscription for my mom and my daughters however, I want them to be able to access and customize their own boxes each season. Is there a way to do that with me purchasing them?
They are absolutely not worth it, the products are things you would get on the midway at a carnival, and the terrible thing is, I haven’t figured out how to remove myself from all of this fabfitfun!
Fabfitfun has continued to disappoint me for the last 3 boxes. I fell in love and was happy with my first 2 boxes a year ago but now not so much. I get that we are going through a pandemic and companies may not want to offer deals but I am tired of the same old same old. I am far from excited to see what is offered in our customizations anymore. I will not continue my annual subscription next year.
Really frustrating. Most of what you receive is junk from China. Those pink slippers “valued” at 48dollars. Ridiculous.
I am rather disapointed in the two boxes I have received. I gave everything away there was nothing I would or could use in either. I would like to cancel any further boxes I should receive. I would have liked a nice snuggly blanket, slippers a nice soap and such things. I am sure other people enjoy the items I received , I am 72 and do not need any of the items I had. So please cancel my subscription.
Mrs. Muir
Definitely not worth it…for $50 not a good deal
After you have been a member for a while they start sending you the lesser value items. Also, the add-ons I ordered were oversold and I never got the items I asked for. No refund was given until I contacted customer service. Really bad form. Been a member since it started. Just canceled. Onto bigger and better boxes.