So after I posted my sweet find on Seattle’s Best Coffee at Fred Meyer, Howard had to one-up me and find a better deal at Bi-Mart.
Seattle’s Best Coffee on sale $3.99 — limit 4
Use $2/1 coupon or $1.50/1 coupon from 3/23 insert or $2/1 coupon (new!)
As low as $1.99 after coupon
Thanks, Howard!
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Just in case they do not take the coupons or are out at your Bi-Mart, remember that Target will price match. Just take the ad in with you.
They accepted the coupons no problem. The cashier was excited to do it herself after I told her about your website and how to get the deal!
I tried this today and the Albany Bimart does not take internet coupons.
How long is the $3.99 sale price good at BiMart? Even without coupon that is great!
Till 4-2. I posted all this on the flnw FB page last night.
I was able to print 2 coupons from the link above and 2 more coupons from this link:
Awesome! Thanks.
The Monmouth, Oregon, Bi-mart will accept manufacturer’s coupons as long as they scan; I don’t think they’ll “push them through” like some other stores. So far, though, I’ve yet to have a problem!
Thanks, Annye! I’m in Albany, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed that they have a similar coupon policy and will accept them. $1.99/12oz beats what I normally buy at Costco for $4.66/lb.
Although they take coupons b sure and ck. your math before going. 3.99 minus 1.00 would b 2.99 or 3.99 minus 1.50 coupon would b 2.49. Neither scenerio would get u 1.99 coffee :/ But enjoy 2.99 coffee!!!
The printable is $2 off so that’s how the $1.99 price came about.
I thought the consensus was that Bi-Mart does not accept manufacturer’s coupons? It would probably be worth calling your local store to confirm that they’ll take these coupons before venturing out for this scenario.
I use them all the time, and that includes printables.
I’ve been shopping at BM since 1988.
I would swear that there was a debate about whether or not they take coupons on this site a couple months ago… I stopped paying too much attention to their ads afterwards. Oh well.
Howard, you reminded me with your 1988 comment that my dad still has his original Bi-Mart card from the mid-70’s! It’s funny to see him whip that out to get into the store.
I have mine, too. It got a little ragged in my wallet (it’s light cardboard), so I retired it and they gave me a new, plastic one. My son kept the old one as a souvenir. Membership was $2 back then.
We bought 5 today between us and used both digital and newspaper cpns. Paid $11.45 for all. Shelves were plentiful.