Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck, knowing that you're one unexpected expense away from financial disaster? Are you frustrated with how much you're spending every month and believe you could be spending it more wisely? And are you tired of all the stress and conflict over your finances? There is hope. I'm thrilled to announce that we're opening the doors to our flagship money management course, Master Your Budget, for a very short time. This is a topic that I am incredibly passionate about and one that my husband and I have been personally living for over a decade. What I share in the Master Your Budget course is what has allowed our Keep Reading
Safeway Deals for April 26 – May 2 {DOUBLE COUPON DEALS}
Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week's Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons. Frozen Chicken Leg Quarters (10 lb bag) on sale $.77/lb Fresh Washington Asparagus on sale $1.48/lb -- limit 10 lbs Lucerne Eggs (dozen) on sale $.77 -- limit 2 Bar S Franks (12 oz) on sale $.77 -- limit 4 Signature Kitchens Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns on sale $.77 -- limit 4 Farmer John Meat Franks on sale $1 Buy 2 Use $1/2 coupon from 2/26 SS insert Use Safeway Keep Reading
Safeway Deals for April 19 – 25
Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week's Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons. Fresh 80/20 Ground Beef on sale $1.99/lb Cookie + Milk Promotion: Buy 2 Oreo or Chips Ahoy Cookies for $4, Get FREE gallon of milk Challenge Cream Cheese on sale $1.99 Use $.75/1 coupon Use Safeway double (-$.50) $.74 after coupon & double Ortega Fiesta Flats on sale $1.25 Buy 2 Use $1/2 coupon Use Safeway double (-$.50) $.50 each after coupon & Keep Reading
How to create a budget that ACTUALLY works
As many of you know, my husband and I are giant Dave Ramsey fans and have been for a very long time. Back in 2006, we attended Financial Peace University and agreed that we would do everything that Dave told us to do during that course and see what type of impact it would have on our family's finances. We started by creating the monthly cash flow plan where every single dollar that came into our home was given a job on paper before the month began. It looks like this: INCOME - EXPENSES = $0 We did it. It was really hard (you can read just how difficult it was here). We had to do a bunch of work to find all of our bills and then figure out how Keep Reading
FREE 5-Day Budget Jump Start Challenge begins MONDAY (it’s going to be awesome and it’s FREE)
I'm super excited to share that I'm running a FREE 5-Day Budget Jump Start Challenge NEXT WEEK! This challenge will show you five simple ways to quickly get $250 (or more) in your bank account. Okay, I know that sounds a tad click-baity and I, just like you, HATE click-bait, but I promise that the strategies I cover in this challenge are legit. It's stuff that I've used to get my family's budget under control and to also get a little more money in our pocket. I created this challenge to help you find (or make) a bunch of cash within a short period of time so you can turn around and apply that money to your most pressing financial goal or need. Do Keep Reading
Safeway Deals for April 12 – 18 {DOUBLE COUPON DEALS}
Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week's Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons. Annie's Fruit Snacks on sale $.99 Use $.75/1 coupon or $1/2 coupon -- direct link Use Safeway double (-$.25) FREE after coupon & double Annie's Macaroni & Cheese on sale $.69 Buy 2 Use $1/2 coupon -- direct link Use Safeway double (-$.38) FREE after coupon & double Signature Farms Smoked Shank or Butt Half Ham on sale 99¢/lb with $25 minimum Keep Reading
Safeway: Save $2 on Suave + extra coupons savings! #SuaveAprilShowers
This post is sponsored post by Mirum Shopper. All opinions are my own. Suave is running a fantastic promotion at Safeway during the month of April: Save $2 instantly when you purchase 4 participating Suave products. The promotion includes tons of options for the entire family. Plus, Suave has created a short quiz on Safeway's website HERE to help you decide which Suave products are right for you. It took me about 10 seconds and all the products that were suggested are included in this Safeway sale! While I was scoping out the deals, I picked up Suave's Kids Purely Fun 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner for my kids' Keep Reading
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