photo by Darwin BellThe following is a guest post by Christy, one of the organizers of the Ever After Resale Consignment Event.-------------------------------------------My name is Christy. My hobby is dressing my five young children in cute, quality, name brand clothing. Confession over, now on to tell you how I support my habit!When my first daughter was born my husband accused me of playing with a human doll. I loved dressing her up but out family budget did not allow for me to spend large amounts of money on her wardrobe. So, off to garage sales I went. I thoroughly enjoyed picking up cute clothing for her at just a couple of dollars per outfit. I Keep Reading
Childrens Clothing Consignment Events: An Introduction
It's consignment event season! I love consignment events for both purchasing inexpensive clothes for my kids and making some money on the clothes and accessories we don't need. I have sold at two different events in the Portland area and have found events to be the most profitable way of getting rid of our old stuff. Selling at consignment events are great for a number of reasons: :: You get maximum exposure. Garage sales are easy because you never have to leave your house, but you also get a limited amount of people. What if it rains? What if you fail to advertise well? Consignment event organizers work hard to get people in the door. You would Keep Reading
Breakfast Bargains: Pancakes
photo by wordridden This is the first part in the series Breakfast Bargains -- ideas on how to feed your family nutritious, frugal breakfasts. You can read the introduction to this series here. ------------------------------------------- Pancakes are a great way to feed your family in the morning. They can include a variety of ingredients and can be dressed up in so many ways. What I particularly love about pancakes is that they freeze well and are easy to reheat on a busy morning. Making them from scratch does take quite a bit of time, but I make a double or triple batch on a slow morning and "flash freeze" the leftovers. The time I put in Keep Reading
Frugal Living 101: When To Say When
I just received two questions from a Frugal Living reader and I thought it may be helpful to answer them on the site and also get your input. I will answer her second question in a later by tj scenesRachael asks the question (paraphrased): When do I know when to stop buying? It's difficult to stop taking advantage of deals even when we don't need the items. I especially enjoy giving our extra deals to others, but we need to get out of debt.Great question! Here are my thoughts::: Set a monthly food & household budget and stick to it. I cannot stress this enough. Right now my budget is $265. My husband pulls that amount of cash from our Keep Reading
Frugal Dinners: Slow Cooker Chuck Roast
Slow Cooker Chuck Roast One thing you must know about me (Angela) is that I do not enjoy cooking. I am not particularly good at it. And when I become a millionaire, I plan to hire a full time cook/massage therapist/laundry folder. That said, I thought it may be helpful to post some dinners that I scrape together to inspire those who are bent in a similar way. Here's what I made for Friday's dinner: Slow Cooker Chuck Roast You will eventually notice that I do exactly the same thing with all other beef crockpot meals. Here are my ingredients: First, I dumped a 1 lb bag of baby carrots ($1) and about 7 organic, chopped potatoes ($.50) in Keep Reading
Guest Post: Earning Money from Home
photo by newagecrap Guest Post by Anne HughlettTwelve years ago, I was a stay at home mom with 3 boys, ages 5, 7 and 9. My youngest was in school 1/2 a day with the prospect of being gone a full day in the near future. While it looked like I may have a little time on my hands, it also meant a tuition bill for 3 kids in private school. The internet was relatively new, and I wanted to somehow use it to my advantage. I began to contemplate ways I could stay at home to be there for my family, while earning some kind of income to help stretch the finances. I checked out a few books from the library and investigated some online opportunities Keep Reading
Frugal Family Fun: OMSI Membership
With gas prices dropping, I am contemplating leaving the house again with my kids to explore Portland. And honestly, I need to get out of the house during the winter. In the past, we have had family memberships to both the Portland Children's Museum and the Oregon Zoo. I would definitely consider CM2 again; the Zoo is cool, but not more than once a year for our family.This year, I was thinking of asking for membership to OMSI for Christmas or forking over the cash myself. I have heard great things about their exhibits for preschoolers. I just received a promotional mailing from OMSI, offering a $20 off any membership. We would have to get the Keep Reading