I received an email from our reader, Momma Bear, telling me about a great sale running at the local Oroweat Bread Outlet — loaves of bread were just 50¢! I knew that fantastic sales like this don’t last, so I ran out last night. Sure enough, there was a modestly sized display of bread priced at 50¢ and the 100% Whole Wheat variety was included! I don’t know what made these loaves warrant such a low price, but I’ve never been disappointed by bakery outlet bread.
The Oroweat Outlet doesn’t typically have 50¢ loaves available, but they always have a nice selection of $1 loaves and most of the time I can find the specific varieties my family eats. There have been times when I’ve come up short; in those cases I just head to the $1.65 section and I always find something. So, the most I ever pay for a loaf of high quality bread is $1.65, which totally beats even the best grocery store sales on Oroweat or Franz.
Bread freezes well, so stock-up if you find a fantastic sale (like the 50¢ price) or if you live more than a casual driving distance from a bakery outlet. I won’t freeze the four loaves I purchased — we go through about one a week and the regular loaves don’t mold for typically over a month.
I’ve had great luck with both the Oroweat and Franz Bakery Outlets. I suggest you just find the location closest to your home or work or school and head in a couple times a month to get a feel for their inventory and sale cycles.
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The whole wheat breads were 3 for $1 at Beaverton Thursday. They looked too healthy, so I passed.
Does anyone have any suggestion on keeping/storing bread after buying like 10 loaves? Last time I bought 10 loaves of bread because they were 10 for $10, but I ended up giving them away to neighbors because there was no space in my freezer. I couldn’t ignore the deal even though I didn’t know if I could eat them up before going bad! lol Any suggestions??
The gal in there today said she doesn’t have enough space in the back for all if the bread so they are just trying to move it quickly. It’s sell by date is 27th so it seems to just be an inventory overload!
Score for us!
Beaverton sometimes has English muffins or loaves of bread for $.50, and they always have cookie or cake samples out. I usually hit the dollar rack when I go, especially the Entenmann’s donuts. The stores have a senior discount (age 55+) of 10%, and also 10% if you buy at least 5 of the $1.65 breads. Plus you can get a punch card that’s worth a free $1 item after it’s filled up ($30).
I asked an employee if there is a schedule to what is marked down and how much. She said no. So going is always an adventure.
Angela, last week the Orowheat outlet in Beaverton had Dave’s Killer Bread for $1.65!!! It’s like an adventure, you never know what killer deal you will get. 😉 My kids LOVE going to the outlet so they can sample the cookies. Its a 45 min drive for me, but worth it to stock up once a month. My kids live off those mini bagels.