Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
Tillamook Chunk Cheese (2 lb) on sale $5.99
Organic Avocados on sale $1
Mission Soft Taco Tortillas (10 ct) on sale $.99
Digiorno Pizza on sale $4.50
Buy 4
Buy 4, Get $3 Catalina (ends 2/1?)
Use (2) $2/2 coupons or $2/2 coupons from 1/25 RP insert
Use (2) Safeway doubles (-$1)
Pay $13, Get $3 Catalina
$2.50 each after coupon, double, & Catalina
General Mills Ancient Grains Cheerios (11.6 oz) on sale $1.99 with weekly ad coupon – limit 4
Use $.75/1 coupon (zip 77477)
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.74 after coupon & double
Chex (12-14 oz) on sale $1.99 with weekly ad coupon – limit 4
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.24 each after coupon & double
Nabisco Snack Crackers or Toasted Chips on sale $1.88
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 1/18 SS insert or $1/1 coupon from 1/11 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.12 – $1.26 each after coupon & double
Hillshire Farm Lil’ Smokies on sale $3.50
Use $.55/1 coupon from 1/25 RP insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$2.45 after coupon & double
Campbell’s Chunky Soup on sale 4/$4 with weekly ad coupon
Buy 4
Use $.50/4 coupon from 1/11 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.75 each after coupon & double
Ritz Crackers on sale $2.50
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 1/18 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.88 each after coupon & double
Reynolds Parchment Paper on sale $2.99
Use $1/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.49 each after coupon & double
Reynolds Foil on sale $2.99
Use $.75/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.74 each after coupon & double
$5 Friday – Sunday!!!
Goldfish Crackers (35 oz) on sale $5
Planter’s Peanuts on sale $1.67
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon or $1/2 coupon from 1/25 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50) (DND)
$1.17 each after coupon
Cheerios on sale $1.67
Use $.50/1 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.67 each after coupon & double
Arm & Hammer Cat Litter (9-20 lb) on sale $5
Use $1.50/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$3 each after coupon & double
Oreo’s (Family Size) on sale $2.50
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 1/18 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.88 each after coupon & double
Most of these deals use a Safeway double coupon, which is available at Oregon & SW Washington (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania & Klickitat Counties) Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to 50¢ each. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Safeway stores are inconsistent from store to store with their double coupon policy. The following is taken directly from Safeway’s Just4U coupon policy on their website:
Check with your local store regarding “double coupon” promotions where customers will receive double the manufacturer coupon face value off the regular or club card price up to the identified limit. Not all locations offer double coupon promotions and the terms of such promotions may differ by time and store. Limitations and restrictions for double coupon promotions may change at any time. Changes will be posted in store only. “Double coupon” promotions do not apply to any internet or digital coupons except for applicable internet printed manufacturer coupons. These explanations and restrictions on “double coupons” apply to any promotion that increases the value of a manufacturer coupon beyond its face value.
Find more Safeway deals here. Get the exhaustive list of Safeway coupon match-ups with a printable list feature here.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
Act fluoride rinse is $2.99 at least thru Tuesday. There was a $1 cpn in 2-1 RP. Cpn is DND, but my friend/cashier doubled it today on all 3 that I purchased.
Oreo is also DND.
I see a $10/$75 coupon in Fridays paper. Does that mean that the $10/$50 coupon won’t be in paper next week?
Wait, what paper? Where?
in todays paper, 1/30/2015, there is a coupon for $10/$75 purchase that is good from 1/30-2/1. I saw it on my digital copy that I get now due to the Oregonian’s changes.
I have been putting planning on going for the pizza catalina and the $5 friday stuff as well…oh and getting SB food I guess.
page A11
I bet the $10/$75 is just a supple bowl promo & we will get a $10/$50 coupon next Wednesday.
Exactly what I was going to say. This cpn is no doubt a football special. JJ, remember the $5 Friday specials are good till Sunday. And, if your RA still has them, the DiGiorno pizzas are cheaper there. I got 6 for $10 (bought 4, then 2). Deal runs thru Sat; cat offer ends Sunday.
Did they rename the event “Supple Bowl” because so many of us gain a lot of weight during the game?
Howard I tried the RA deal and only found 1 qualifying pizza in the 3 surrounding/nearest stores…..i waited too long. Thanx for that tip though.
I also decided to wait until Tuesday to do any major monthly shopping….mostly cuz I’m still recuperating from having to figure out how much the pesos vs. dollar is worth on certain items during my vacay in Mexico.
Darn I don’t get the Friday paper. And now too late tobuy it anywhere
Got an accessible recycling bin nearby?
There is a $10/50 in today’s Statesman Journal (Salem newspaper) page 6A, valid 2/3/2015 to 2/10/2015.
The Campbell’s Chunky soup deal listed above may not work. I looked at the J4U site. The J4U/in-ad cpn ($1/4) is a mfr cpn. So it’s not a store cpn, and it probably will not combine with the paper mfr cpns. It’s the Tide conundrum all over again.
Thanks everyone! I have updated some of these deals.
There’s also a $1/2 Wheat Thins/Ritz toasted chips coupon in the 1/11 SS, making them ~1.12 after coupon. I always prefer a paper coupon if I can get it, so I can be sure of the doubling. 🙂
Don’t forget the .99 sale continues this week so if you still have coupons from 12/28 PG use them for free toothpaste before they expire on Saturday, 1/31!
Brenda, If it’s the P&G, I assume it’s Crest?
Duh, yes it is Crest toothpaste I was referring to!
There’s a Colgate toothpaste coupon in the 1/18SS that will work for the sale as well.
Note that the NEW Crest cpns that came out 1-25 are NOT valid on the $.99 toothpaste flavors on sale. The December ones are.
I believe the planters coupon from 1/25 $1.00/2 says DND. Most of those do. Correct me if i’m mistaken.
The Walmart in Wood Village has Lil’ Smokies for $2.00 per package. They are right by the deli in th
Yes, the DiGiorno cat runs thru Feb 1. $3 on 4, $2 on 3, $1 on 2. It also prints at RA, which has a better price. I got 6 for $10 after cpns, catalinas and two $5 Up rewards. (Bought 4, then 2 more)
The Campbell’s soup cpns seem to vary widely. My Chunky cpn (Oregonian) is $.50 on 4. There’s a $.50/2 cpn at, although it would not print for me (said I’d maxed out on it).